Product Title: Ketogenic And Paleo Diet! Discover This Guide About How To Effectively Use The Ketogenic and Paleo Diet Techniques For Beginner’s (Original PDF from Publisher)
Publisher PDF,
Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):
Do you need to maximizethe health benefits and weight loss you can obtain from the Ketogenic Diet? TheKetogenic Diet eBook is created by Michael J. Kelley, a nutritionist, medicalresearcher, and professional coach. In this eBook, you will find the latestcutting-edge nutrition information that will help you become the bestweight-loss athlete possible.
This guide isspecifically designed for beginners who are just getting started with ketogenicdiets. It is not intended to be a nutrition manual for those that have been onketo diets before. Rather, it is designed to offer new information about how todiets work, what to anticipate as you go on the journey, and how you can makethe most of your experience. Whether you are in the process of losing weight orstarting a ketogenic diet for the first time, this guide will provide you withthe information you need to succeed.
What makes the KetogenicDiet eBook so special is that it offers the unique combination of science andnutrition science to help you achieve maximum weight loss results. Kelley hasdone research on fasting diets, which has given him unique insight into whattypes of foods are the best to eat on these diets. He has also done research onthe benefits of intermittent fasting. This is another reason why he knows thesecrets of fast eating, since he has been doing it for years.
There are two majorcomponents of the ketogenic diet: reducing carbohydrates and increasing fats.To reduce carbohydrates, your body needs to burn more fat, so the focus of yourdiet is primarily protein. To raise your blood sugar levels, your body needs touse carbohydrates as sources of energy, so the focus of your diet is toeliminate carbohydrates (or all carbohydrates) from your daily meals. Thisarticle will discuss the first phase of this process in greater detail.
Product Details
- Publisher: FASTLANE LLC; August 30, 2021
- Language: English
- ISBN: 978-1071707845
- eText ISBN: 9781071707845
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the Ketogenic And Paleo Diet! Discover This Guide About How To Effectively Use The Ketogenic and Paleo Diet Techniques For Beginner’s (Original PDF from Publisher) course/book will be provided for customer as download link. download link has NO Expiry and can be used anytime.
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