Product Title: D.S.M. 7 Steps to Social Media Abstinence: The Desktop Guide to Deleting Social Media. Why Big Social is Ruining You and No, It’s Not Just a ‘Digital Native’ Dilemma : #Delete Me (Original PDF from Publisher)
Publisher PDF,
Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):
You might have trouble imagining your world without your social media, but former Fortune 500 IT consultant & engineer turned clinical mental health researcher & crisis intervention counselor, J.A. Thomas insists that we’re far better off without it. In D.S.M. 7 Steps to Social Media Abstinence: The Desktop Guide to Deleting Social Media. Why Big Social is Ruining You and No, It’s Not Just a ‘Digital Native’ Dilemma. Why It’s Time to End The Social Media Disease and Go Offline. Thomas, who is one of a growing army of industry experts going offline, offers powerful and personal reasons for all of us to abandon these treacherous online platforms.The book’s rationale for freeing ourselves from social media’s toxic grip include the applications’ inherent lures that bring out the worst parts of us and innate programmatic abilities to trick us with illusions of popularity and success. In it, the reader witnesses the dangers of social media usage from a law enforcement and clinical mental health perspective. How can we remain autonomous in a world where we are being manipulated and sold to at every click and held under constant surveillance by the wealthiest corporations in history that have no way of making money other than being paid to manipulate our behavior and rewire our brains? How could the benefits of social media applications possibly outweigh the tragic losses to our personal health, dignity, and freedom? J.A. Thomas left a lucrative career in Big Tech in pursuit of investigating online crime with law enforcement. She hopes to foster transparent public health information surrounding the dangers of social media usage and its links to severe mental health conditions and the illicit online sex & drug trades. The methodologies introduced in D.S.M. 7 insist in total abstinence from all social media applications as key to driving us towards richer and more meaningful ways of living by connecting us back to the world beyond the tiny blue screen.
Product Details
- Publisher: Jennifer PoChue; August 30, 2021
- Language: English
- ISBN: 978-1737872214
- eText ISBN: 9781737872214
Delivery Method
the D.S.M. 7 Steps to Social Media Abstinence: The Desktop Guide to Deleting Social Media. Why Big Social is Ruining You and No, It’s Not Just a ‘Digital Native’ Dilemma : #Delete Me (Original PDF from Publisher) course/book will be provided for customer as download link. download link has NO Expiry and can be used anytime.
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