Product Title: Comprehensive Ophthalmology includes Review of Ophthalmology, 7th Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
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Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):
By AK Khurana, Aruj K Khurana, Bhawna P Khurana
• The seventh edition has been thoroughly revised and updated with recent advances in every section.• Each chapter begins with a brief overview highlighting the topics covered followed by relevant applied anatomy and physiology.• Various levels of headings, subheadings, bold face and italics given in the text for quick revision.• The text is arranged into six sections retained as given in previous edition, such as:Section I: Anatomy and Physiology of Eye includes two chapters one each on Anatomical and Physiological aspects of Eye and Ocular adnexa.Section II: Optics and Refraction comprises two chapters one each on Elementary and Physiological Optics, and Errors of Refraction and Accommodation.Section Ill: Diseases of the Eye and Ocular Adnexa exhibits an exhaustive and thorough exposition of the text on disorders of eyeball, ocular adnexa and visual pathway in fourteen chapters.Section IV: Ocular Therapeutics includes a chapter on Ocular Pharmacology and another chapter on Lasers and Cryotherapy in Ophthalmology.Section V: Systemic and Community Ophthalmology covers updated text on these topics in two chapters.Section VI: Practical Ophthalmology is the unique feature of this book. It provides the exact scheme, pattern and readymade material on each aspect of the practical examinations in four chapters, such as Clinical Methods in Ophthalmology, Ophthalmic Cases, Darkroom Procedures, and Ophthalmic Instruments.• Enhanced with plenty of diagrams, clinical photographs and line diagrams which provide vivid and lucid details.• Operative steps of important surgical techniques have been given in the relevant chapters.• Wherever possible, important information has been given in the form of tables and flowcharts.• Chapter on community ophthalmology has been extensively updated in view of the changed objectives under vision 2020, National Programme for Control of Blindness and Visual Impairment in India.• Review of Ophthalmology, a companion to the textbook which offers quick comprehension at a glance and an opportunity for self-assessment with latest multiple choice questions (MCQs), has been re-organized into six sections as against two sections in previous editions.
Product Details
- Publisher : Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.; 7th edition (December 5, 2018)
- Publication date : December 5, 2018
- Language : English
- Screen Reader : Supported
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