Product Title:Â Cholesteatoma (Eirc E. Smouha)
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Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):
Drs. Smouha and Bojrab have put together the only true multimedia textbook on cholesteatoma in existence. It is a text that would benefit otolaryngology residents to read from cover to cover and would also be a great addition to the library of experienced ear surgeons. — Gerard J. Gianoli, MD, The Laryngoscope
In this succinctly-organized text, leading specialists have created a comprehensive guide to cholesteatoma and chronic ear disease. Based on the bestselling AAO-HNS course, Cholesteatoma provides in-depth advice for the medical and surgical management of this middle ear entity.
Cholesteatoma begins with an introduction of the disease and its general considerations, including preoperative assessment, the role of imaging, and the wet ear. Comprehensive chapters then present the three components of middle ear surgery which are the middle ear, the mastoid, and the meatus and the resultant cavity. The expert authors provide perspective on the controversies in cholesteatoma management like canal wall reconstruction, facial nerve monitoring, the use of endoscopes in chronic ear surgery, and postoperative care.
- Accompanying online media includes 20 surgical videos performed and narrated by the authors
- More than 340 vibrant full-color illustrations demonstrate the different disease progressions not shown in any other text
- Insightful chapters cover recidivism and complications of both the disease and surgery, while O.R. cases illustrate surgical approaches
Otolaryngology-head and neck surgeons, residents and fellows will refer to this concise reference on a daily basis for the most up-to-date information on cholesteatomas and other middle ear lesions.
Product Details
- Hardcover: 168 pages
- Publisher: Thieme; 1st edition edition (October 28, 2011)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1604062770
- ISBN-13: 978-1604062779
- ISBN-13: 9781604062779
- eText ISBN: 9781604062786
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