Product Title: Chakras! Discover This Guide About How To Effectively Use Chakras For Beginner’s (Original PDF from Publisher)
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Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):
Chakra are tiny centers of energy, often referredto as gemstones, that lie in our bodies. Chakra are different focal pointsutilized in various ancient meditation techniques, collectively called Tantra,or the spiritual or inner practices of Hinduism. This energy centers arevortices of energy that are not visible to the naked eye, and yet play a significantrole in the human body. Each chakra is said to correspond with a point along aperson’s spine, called a “chakra point.” This corresponds to thelocation where the “breath” or life force moves.
Our chakras may be weak because we do not payenough attention to them. This is why we may not achieve the quality of innerpeace that chakra meditation can bring us. However, it is possible tostrengthen your chakras through regular practice of meditation and yoga. Thefollowing is a description of a few of the most important aspects of thisancient art of meditation.
One aspect of Chakras meditation deals withbalancing. Many individuals are unaware that they have strong chakras and onlydiscover them when an imbalance develops. Balancing is a key aspect of this spiritualart, as it helps to remove negative energy from the body. When chakras are outof balance, an individual experiences a loss of spiritual clarity andconnection. Poor balance often stems from a number of factors, including poordiet and insufficient exercise, stress at home or work, and lack of sleep.
Product Details
- Publisher: FASTLANE LLC; August 30, 2021
- Language: English
- ISBN: 978-1071707791
- eText ISBN: 9781071707791
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