Product Title: Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System, 4th Edition (ORIGINAL PDF from Publisher)
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Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):
by Abul K. Abbas, Andrew H. Lichtman, Shiv Pillai
Understand all the essential concepts in immunology with Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System! This concise, focused text provides you with an up-to-date, accessible introduction to the workings of the human immune system.
• Efficiently master the immunology information you need through clinically focused content, logically organized by mechanism.
• Apply what you’ve learned to real-world situations by referencing the appendix of clinical cases.
• Enhance your learning with the help of numerous full-color illustrations and useful tables, as well as summary boxes, review questions, and a glossary of immunology terms.
• Study immunology anywhere! Online access to opens the door to ancillary components such as an image bank, additional tables, a glossary of immunology terms, animations, and PowerPoint review slides!
• Visualize complex immunology concepts with a completely updated art program.
• Test your knowledge. New PowerPoint Review slides added to are ideal for study sessions.
Product Details
- ISBN-13: 9781455707072
- Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
- Publication date: 11/27/2012
- Edition number: 4
- Pages: 336
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