Product Title: Herbal Medicine! Discover This Guide About How To Effectively Use Herbal Medicine For Beginner’s (Original PDF from Publisher)
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Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):
Herbal medicine has beenaround for thousands of years, though today it is gaining increasing popularity.Many people are turning towards herbal remedies because they are much lessexpensive than traditional medicine, and they don’t have side effects. However,just like traditional medicines, herbal remedies will also have an impact onyour body and are potentially dangerous if not taken correctly. They must,therefore, be used in accordance with the rules and advice of a professionalmedical practitioner and with the same regards as traditional medicines.
If you are planning togo on medication, then you should know the common side effects of some of thedrugs found on the shelves. One of the most common is that it can affect yourblood pressure, so if you suffer from hypertension, you should avoid herbalmedicine. Another drug, called warfarin, can cause a heart attack in peoplewith high blood pressure. There are many other drugs that are commonly used inherbal medicine, such as dandelion, milk thistle, fennel, and catnip, and areall known to help with a wide range of ailments.
However, what manyherbal medicines won’t do is prevent or treat a disease. This is because theseherbs cannot break down or penetrate the walls of the blood vessels. Instead,they act as a stimulant, allowing the flow of ‘toxins’ through the bloodsystem. Therefore, herbal medicine can often be helpful, but it should never beseen as a substitute for pharmaceutical medications. Always inform your doctoror pharmacists of any herbal medications you are planning to take, especiallyif you are currently taking pharmaceutical medications or have heart disease orother health conditions.
In addition, even thoughsome herbs can act like pharmaceutical medications, others may not have thesame effect. Some herbal medicines act like antibiotics or steroids, whileothers have none at all. Additionally, some contain large amounts of activeingredients, while others only have small amounts. If an herbal medicine onlyhas a small amount of active ingredient, it may not be effective.
Most herbs sold asherbal medicine have one or two active ingredients; aspirin is the most common.However, salicylic acid, which is commonly found in aspirin, can also be foundin tea tree oil and ginger. These herbs may be useful for some conditions, butthey are unlikely to prevent or treat any disease. They are unlikely to improveyour heart condition or even help you sleep.
Product Details
- Publisher: FASTLANE LLC; August 30, 2021
- Language: English
- ISBN: 978-1071707814
- eText ISBN: 9781071707814
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