Product Title: Natural Antibiotics! Discover This Guide About How To Effectively Use Natural Antibiotics For Beginner’s (Original PDF from Publisher)
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Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):
An herbalist often presents a series of prescribed herbsthat are effective in curing a wide range of antibiotic-resistant diseases-including meningitis, ear infections, and pneumonia–and suggestions on making,using, and drinking herbal remedies, teas, or infusions from aloe vera,echinacea, ginger, milk thistle, black cohosh, motherwort, and many more.Traditional homeopathic treatment is also suggested. The National HerbalistsAssociation offers several courses on herbal medicine. Original coursematerials are available in the form of books (with CD’s) and on videotapes.
Detoxifying your body with herbal medicine is one of themost important steps in keeping your immune system healthy. In this regard,there are some herbs that do more than detoxify; some act as antioxidants toprotect cells from the oxidative damage caused by free radicals and environmentalirritants, such as smoke, air pollution, extreme temperatures, chemicals,pesticides, excessive alcohol, nicotine, and drugs. These “naturalantioxidants” can boost the immune system so that it can perform itsprimary function-which is to attack viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeasts, andparasites. This is how to keep your body healthy by taking herbs to boost yourimmune system.
Antibiotics can reduce the harmful effects of bacterialinfections. In theory, they kill off bacteria or fungus by producing oxygen inthe environment they are living in. The problem is that some types of bacteriaare immune to standard antibiotics, which explains why so many people getinfections in their gut or on their skin. Herbal antibiotics have the sameeffect on bacteria as antibiotics do on healthy tissue; therefore, it is veryimportant to use herbal antibiotics (or a combination of herbs and antibiotics)in your defense against yeast infections, athlete’s foot, urinary tractinfection, pneumonia, food poisoning, etc.
Product Details
- Publisher: FASTLANE LLC; August 30, 2021
- Language: English
- ISBN: 978-1071707883
- eText ISBN: 9781071707883
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