Product Title: Ultrasound Guided Musculoskeletal Injections (Videos, Organized)
68 MP4 files, File Size = 64.00 MB
Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):
by Gina M Allen BM DCH MRCGP MRCP FRCR MFSEM DipESSR MScSEM (Author), David John Wilson MBBS BSc MFSEM FRCP FRCR (Author)
An ideal “how-to” guide for those who perform musculoskeletal injections, this unique multimedia resource by Drs. Gina M. Allen and David John Wilson demonstrates how to make the most out of the clear visualization provided by ultrasound-guided techniques. High-quality line drawings, clinical photographs, and ultrasound images clearly depict patient presentation, relevant anatomy, and sonoanatomy, and each technique is accompanied by a video showing exactly how to perform the procedure.
- Clear, concise text
- and
numerous illustrations and videos
- make this reference your go-to source on today’s ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal injections.
- Bulleted text follows a quick-reference template throughout: clinical/ultrasound findings, equipment, anatomy, technique, aftercare, and comments.
- Each chapter covers the entire injection process with text on the left-hand page and corresponding images on the right.
- Every technique is supported with a video available online.
- Useful for clinicians in radiology, sports medicine, rheumatology, orthopaedics, pain medicine, and physical therapy – anyone who needs a clear, current guide to this minimally invasive treatment option for pain relief.
Product Details
- ASIN : 0702073148
- Publisher : Elsevier; 1st edition (September 22, 2017)
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 336 pages
- ISBN-10 : 9780702073144
- ISBN-13 : 978-0702073144
- eText ISBN: 9780702073175
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the Ultrasound Guided Musculoskeletal Injections (Videos, Organized) course/book will be provided for customer as download link. download link has NO Expiry and can be used anytime.
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