Product Title: The World of Psychology, Ninth Canadian Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)
Publisher PDF, File Size = 196.00 MB
Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):
by Samuel E. Wood; Ellen Green Wood; Denise Boyd; Eileen Wood; Serge Desmarais
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. The 9th Canadian edition of The World of Psychology introduces students to the most up-to-date research on many topics that feature rapid change, including advanced technologies, neuropsychology, gender, changes in social norms, violence, PTSD, aggression and stress, adolescent drug use, and new therapies. The new edition also encourages students to become active participants in the learning process. Reading about psychology is not enough. Students should be able to practise what they have learned. What better way to teach material and make it fresh, interesting, and memorable than to have students demonstrate principles for themselves. The World of Psychology promotes student involvement through the use of rhetorical questions and unique “Try It” and “Apply It” features. Through these interactive activities students become active participants in the learning process rather than simply passive recipients of information. Personalize Learning with Revel We are excited in the 9th Canadian edition, to continue to leverage Revel, an interactive eText platform that replaces the traditional text with an engaging learning experience that prepares students for class. Revel presents an affordable, seamless blend of author-created digital text, media, and assessment based on learning science. With Revel, students are able to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience — anytime, anywhere, on any device, both online and offline.
Product Details:
- Publisher: Pearson Canada
- ISBN: 978-0135306864
- Print ISBN: 9780135306864, 0135306868
- eText ISBN: 9780135306772, 0135306779
- Edition: 9th
- Copyright year: 2020
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